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Know Your Meds


Know Your Meds is an information directory that gives user data pertaining to the make-up of (ingredients and salts), manufacturer details and historic data about their prescription and/or specific drug. The users will be able to do so by entering the name of the drug in question which the platform will then provide available information on. 

Why Know Your Meds? 

Why KnowYour Meds

New results show that 55% of adults aged 18 to 79 used at least one prescription medication, 36% used two or more, and 24% used three or more. But how many users actually know what they are taking and other information like how many manufacturers produce this drug? what year was this medicine introduced? what is the exact breakup of ingredients in the said drug? This directory is designed to give all that information should the user need directly to the user. It will serve only as an information source, and not give any medical advice on usage. The directory exists an encyclopedia for the medication user chooses to search for.

Problem and Solution

It will aim to solve the problem of lack of education about medication being consumed. Data pertaining to medicine should be democratic in nature and not made either inaccessible or too hard to understand and find.

Right now, if you google a drug as common as Advil, the first two results are from the website, not a very objective source on the matter instead of results for ibuprofen and its makeup. Google will understandably show results pertaining to the product, but users do not know to search for "ibuprofen" instead of "Advil."

The platform will show them the information regarding ibuprofen and the salts used by Advil specifically instead of redirecting them to a page that sells several Advil products. Medicine should not be confused with its branding. The information regarding drugs should be transparent and easy to access.

Problem and Solution

User Flow

User Flow


Homepage_Text Search-1.png
Register 1.0.png
My Prescriptions 1.1.png
My Prescriptions 1.0.png
Login 1.1.png
Login 1.2.png
Drug Information Page.png
Login 1.0.png
Homepage_Text Search.png

Lo-fi Prototype

Lo-fi prototype

Final Screens and Hi-fi Prototype

Frame 9.png
Frame 5.png
Frame 7.png
Frame 8.png
Frame 6.png
Frame 4.png
Frame 3.png
Frame 1.png
Final Screens
Hi-fi prototype


A bit about Firdaus and her needs. We will try to understand her motivations and needs to guide her user journey.

User personas (KYM).png

UX Tools Used:

  • Figma 

  • Adobe Illustrator 

  • Procreate

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